Medical Updates
On enrolment please provide the school with information relating to any medical conditions your child has. If your child develops a medical condition while enrolled at Lara Lake Primary School, please ensure that the school nurse and classroom teacher are advised.
Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction which must be diagnosed by a doctor. All students diagnosed with Anaphylaxis must provide an Anaphylaxis Management Plan, prepared and signed by a doctor, to the school along with the relevant medication i.e. Epipen.
Epipen medication expiry dates will be monitored by the school nurse and reminder notes will be sent home requesting updated medication. It is the parent's responsibility to replace all out of date medication in a timely manner and to keep the school informed of any changes to their child's management plan. At the beginning of each year we request updated Anaphylaxis Management Plans be provided.
A reminder that it is the parent/guardian responsibility to:-
- Provide the ASCIA Action Plan
- Inform the school in writing if their child's medical condition, insofar as it relates to allergy and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, changes and if relevant, provide an updated ASCIA Action Plan
- Provide an up to date photo for the ASCIA Action Plan when that Plan is provided to the school and when it is reviewed
- Provide the School with an Adrenaline Auto injector that is current and not expired, for their child.
For each student diagnosed with asthma, schools must have a written:
- Asthma Action Plan provided by the student’s parents or carers
- An ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions (Green Plan) is a document completed by the student’s medical practitioner and is for students who have mild to moderate allergies.
- It is the responsibility of parents or carers to provide a copy of their child’s allergy plan to the school.