Physical Education
The Physical Education program helps develop students' understanding of sportsmanship and a healthy lifestyle through being active. Students have the opportunity to progress through School Sport Victoria pathways in various sports through trials at different levels (school, district, division, regional, state, national level).
- Physical Education is taught for 1 hour every week
- Classroom teachers are encouraged to take their students outside for additional games and physical activities when possible
- Physical Education is planned for with a clear focus in mind
- Units of work are designed to start with simple tasks and progress student skill levels by providing stimulating and challenging activities
- The school's Physical Education curriculum is designed to develop students fundamental motor skills in early years (P-2) and progress these skills into sports specific skills in years 3-6
- Physical Education aims to be enjoyable for all students and non-confronting games and activities are used
- The Physical Education program incorporates a range of sports and activities to develop students skills
- A wide range of equipment is used in a variety of settings including outside on the schools oval and inside in the gymnasium
- Students in years 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in a range of interschool sports and competitions including swimming, athletics and lightning premiership events
- Assessment of all students is undertaken regularly and is used to monitor student improvements
- The ultimate goal of Physical Education is to prepare students for a 'lifetime of physical activity'
- Students are encouraged to participate in physical activity outside of school hours