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From September 1st to the 30th of April, all students must wear a wide-brimmed school hat when participating in any outdoor activity (including recess/lunch breaks).
Overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause health problems including sunburn, damage to skin and eyes, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Lara Lake Primary School provides sufficient options for shelter and trees to provide shade on school grounds, particularly in places such as::
• junior playgrounds
• where prep students eat their lunch
• covered deck
• amphitheatre
Sun safety is a shared responsibility and staff, parents and students are encouraged to implement a combination of sun protection measures whenever UV levels reach 3 or above.
Being outdoors where students can be active and have fun is great. But being outdoors means students can also be exposed to UV radiation. With UV levels in Victoria now reaching 3 and above, it’s time for everyone to start using sun protection again.
It’s time to remind your children to wear sun protective hats, clothing and apply sunscreen before heading outdoors.
As the UV levels rise above 3 across Victoria, it’s time to remind your students and staff about the importance of being SunSmart.
Exposure to the sun’s UV during childhood and adolescence has a big impact on skin cancer risk – but it’s almost entirely preventable with good sun protection:
SLIP on sun protective clothing
SLOP on SPF50+ broad spectrum water-resistant sunscreen
SLAP on a wide brim, bucket or legionnaire hat
SEEK shade when outdoors
SLIDE on sunglasses, where practical