Grade 4 Term 2 Curriculum News 2023
Grade Four Term 2 Curriculum News 2023
This Term Newsletter will provide you with information about your children’s upcoming teaching and learning experiences in the new term. There is also plenty of additional information provided via Compass throughout the school year, so please make a point of touching base regularly.
We continue to be so incredibly proud of how dedicated our Grade Four students are to their learning. Each day the students are coming in with an eagerness to learn and improve. We have hit the ground running in Term 2, settled into routines and can't wait for the upcoming learning opportunities.
This term we will be working on how to better understand what we read. We are striving for our students to not only read the text but to discuss, question, clarify and analyse. The students will have to justify their thoughts using evidence from the text or their prior knowledge and experiences. They will be constantly asked ‘Why do you think that? and What part of the text made you think that?’ Alongside regular Independent Reading, students will be partaking in teacher conferences and Guided Reading sessions to better target their areas of need.
The enthusiasm in our Grade Four students during Writing is at a high. Our authors are proud and excited about their writing so far! In Writing, teachers have been pleased to see the wonderful way in which students are thinking about their purpose and audience for writing. We have begun the term by looking at the ‘6 + 1 Trait Sentence Fluency’. The students will explore how carefully creating sentences, thinking about how our sentences start and varying sentence lengths can make our writing sound rhythmic and smooth. We look forward to seeing how our students improve as writers.
We have begun this term in Mathematics by connecting our knowledge and strategies in multiplication to division. The students will continue to explore how to solve division problems using a range of strategies and then working towards choosing the most efficient strategy.
Throughout all Mathematics sessions students will be encouraged to prove their answers, steps or processes, and their thinking. This term, students will also be focusing on statistics and chance. We look forward to creating surveys, collecting and analysing data. We encourage you to show your children how you use maths in your everyday activities at home to, such as adding and subtracting amounts, walking or riding distances, measuring ingredients, timing how long it takes to do different activities and recognising number patterns in the environment for instance.
This term Grade Four students will be exploring Inquiry throughout all subject areas. Our Inquiry focus is ‘Early Explorers’. Students will have the opportunity to research and discuss historical information based on ‘the journeys of a significant world navigator, explorer, or trader up to the late eighteenth century, including their contacts with and effects on other societies’ (Victorian Curriculum).
Reminders –
*Clothing: A reminder that students are to be in full school uniform every day. As the colder weather approaches, please ensure your child has enough clothing to keep them warm at school.
*Communication: If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to email or make an appointment with us if there is anything you wish to discuss.
Each year level team has provided their families with a detailed newsletter such as this. If you are interested in reading about all the exciting things happening across the rest of the school these can be access online at our school website from early next week.
Wednesday 24th May 2023 Curriculum Day - No students on site