Grade 5 Term 3 Curriculum News 2023
This Term Newsletter will provide you with information about your child’s upcoming teaching and learning experiences in the new term. There is also plenty of additional information provided via Compass throughout the school year, so please make a point of touching base regularly.
Welcome to Term 3! We can't believe how fast the school holidays went but it was great to see the students arrive at school organised and ready to learn. They quickly settled back into their school routine after sharing their holiday adventures with each other. We have reminded our students of the high expectations we have of them and we know that they will once again rise to the occasion.
In Reading, students will continue to focus on strengthening their use of comprehension strategies to interpret and understand texts. They are learning about making meaningful connections with the text they read, summarising and synthesising. They will continue to work on their personal reading goals and be supported through independent conferencing and focus groups. Students will analyse picture story books on a deeper level by inferring, identifying the author's writing styles and point of view. This process will assist students when they create their own stories this term.
In Writing, students will continue to participate in daily Writing Workshops, ensuring they are challenging themselves to write across the different genres. They will continue to celebrate their writing through classroom Author’s Chair and read alouds and give and receive quality feedback. There will be a focus on revising this term, students will learn how to add & remove sentences, substitute words and to move sentences around to improve their writing. As author’s themselves, the students will focus on particular skills in depth. These include exploring writing point of view (POV), using ‘Show Don’t Tell’, complex sentence use and descriptive language.
The focus area for the beginning of Term 3 will be on fractions, decimals and percentages. Students will develop their understanding of the different constructs (area, distance, collection) of fractions, enabling them to order fractions by size and find equivalent fractions. Students will then investigate ways to convert fractions to decimals and percentages, this will prompt students to make connections with how fractions, decimals and percentages are used in real-life situations. They will investigate the likelihood of events occurring by using their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages, and will support their findings using data and graphing their results.
In Term 3, we will be starting our new unit, ‘Our Place in the World’. This is an engaging inquiry that explores the history of immigration to Australia and how these events have shaped the culture of Australia today.
Each year level team has provided their families with a detailed newsletter such as this. If you are interested in reading about all the exciting things happening across the rest of the school, these can be accessed online at our school website from early next week.