Wellbeing Dogs
Lara Lake Primary School has two Wellbeing Dogs, Sonny and Watson. Sonny is a Labrador and came to the school through the Guide Dogs Victoria Therapy Program. Watson is an Australian Cobber Dog and came to the school through the Dogs Connect Program. The dogs are cared for by Assistant Principals.
The dogs interact and support students across the school. Students are taught how to interact with the dogs.
1. Say hello to the person not to the dog
2. Give space
3. Keep moving, don't stop and stare at the dog
4. Students are required to ask if they can pat the dogs by saying 'Hello, Mr Davis/Ms Castelow. Can I please pat Sonny/Watson?'
In the interest of child safety and for all who use the school, dogs and other animals are not permitted on school grounds unless pre-organised as part of show and tell within your child’s grade.